July – December 2021



Inauguration of the Military Unit Complex of the State Border Service

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev inaugurated the military unit complex of the State Border Service in Jabrayil on October 4. A marble memorial stone and a plaque were created in the military unit on the occasion of the President, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev’s participation in the opening ceremony. The arsenal of weapons and combat equipment of the military unit includes Harop and Guzghun unmanned combat aerial vehicles, anti-tank grenade launchers, anti-tank guided missiles, 120 mm and 82 mm mortars, anti-aircraft guns and other modern weapons systems, firearms, group and sniper rifles, surveillance and night vision devices, thermal devices and sights, special purpose equipment, as well as armored personnel carriers, high-speed vehicles, and armored combat vehicles.

The 64-hectare military unit complex includes the headquarter and dormitory for officers, service rooms, a canteen, a bath and laundry complex, a campus, car storage boxes, warehouses for weapons, fuel, food and clothing, and staff. All the necessary conditions have been created in the training camp of the complex for organizing training to improve the combat readiness of service members, conducting shootings of various types of small arms and large-caliber weapons at the shooting range and evaluating the results, improving the skills of personnel to use existing weapons and combat equipment. There are football and volleyball courts and a gym equipped with equipment and tools that meet the latest standards for military personnel to do sports in the sports camp. Major landscaping work has been carried out in the area.